Opportunity Guide I Summer, Enrichment & Activities Guide

If your child aspires to run for president one day, loves to take charge of things or enjoys some verbal sparring, consider activities and classes in government, politics and debate. In the beginning, encourage your child to run for student counsel or to start a new school club where he can build leadership skills. There are also a wide array of specialty summer programs that offer courses in politics, current affairs, history and leadership. A motivated, older child might apply for a government internship in her home state, or to work as a congressional page. Volunteer positions with government institutions or museums can help a child sharpen leadership and public speaking skills.

Joining a school speech and debate team is a great way for a child to learn oratory and research skills and as a jumping off point to compete in higher level state and national tournaments. Taken to the highest level, there are intensive summer debate training camps which offer rigorous debate preparation classes and the chance to spar with top debaters.

If your child is interested in foreign languages or international relations, encourage her to join her school’s Model United Nations program. She’ll have the opportunity to interact with peers, hone skills in diplomacy and negotiation, and participate in local through international conferences. Encourage a child who is curious about international affairs to attend a foreign language camp or any of the prestigious international relations/diplomacy camps, many of which are sponsored by selective universities and government groups. An overseas community service trip can provide an opportunity for your child to engage in genuine cultural immersion, meaningful volunteer work, and a real-world international experience.

  1. Lone Star Leadership Academies are Sunday-Friday overnight camps offered throughout the summer for outstanding 4th-8th graders. Campers have the opportunity to explore significant sites in Texas’… Read more