High School/ Middle School Guides

The following resources were designed for students entering high school and middle school. Help your child prepare for the challenges of each grade and equip them with the tools they’ll need to succeed inside and outside of the classroom.

Our grade-by-grade guides are filled with advise on enrichment courses, advanced level classes, extracurricular activities, standardize tasting, summer programs, and other elements of their academic career. Each is meant to prepare high schoolers for the academic hurdles ahead and encourage them to develop good study skills early on.

The Versed High School Timeline will ease the transition from middle school with advice about academic life and course selection. It gives parents an overview of the next four years and helps them anticipate the challenges ahead.

Our High School Extracurricular Activity Guide helps focus students during their search for clubs, commitments, teams, and groups. It includes advice on expanding involvements and pursuing leadership as well as evaluating impact and stepping down.