Many of us use the internet for all of our information gathering when it comes to any kind of large ticket purchases. Whether we are looking for a new car, a new vacation, or a new home, there is no shortage of information you can find on the internet. The same applies to colleges (a $80-300K investment). That being said, we also hear over and over again that the amount  of information on the internet is overwhelming and there is so much biased information out there from marketers, that it is often difficult to parse out what advice is worth heeding, and conversely what should be ignored…

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Rounding out the previous two blogs on FAFSA and EFC by, this week, Edmit will address one of the most critical elements of a college list - creating a Financially Balanced College List. is a college financial planning platform with the mission to help families make great financial decisions about college. 

Key Takeaways:

Don't gloss over the financial research as you do your college exploration. Gather information on financial aid and scholarship opportunities from the start. Make sure you have "financial reaches" and "financial safeties" on your list.… Read more

Following up on the FAFSA blog post by, this week, we spoke with Edmit about EFC, What is it, and why does it matter? is a college financial planning platform with the mission to help families make great financial decisions about college. Here is a blog post from Edmit, that will address all of your questions about EFC.


What Your EFC Is - and Why It Matters

As you enter college, you know you’ll learn a lot — but you might not expect the crash-course in finances that many students receive. Unless you’re lucky enough to have your parents handle…

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By Kate Sonnenberg:

College admissions consultants work with students to help them “build” their college list. But, there are a lot of amazing colleges and universities out there, so how do students choose which colleges to put on their college list?  One critical consideration is academic fit – the college must have the majors and programs that appeal to the student!  While some (usually large) universities admit students directly into a major, even those that do not often ask students what their intended major is (although “undecided” is typically an option). While non-binding,…

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With questions about location, academics, accommodations, and campus life, this questionnaire is meant to guide high school students as they begin researching colleges.

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By: Valerie Erde

In my work as a tutor, many teens have walked through my door reluctantly, to say the least. They weren't interested in studying for the ACT or SAT, and at times weren't even interested in college at all. Sure, they knew that it was important for their future in a general way, but they definitely wanted to do something more fun than ACT/SAT practice tests with their limited free time.

I'm also a parent, so I know just how frustrating it can be to watch your child fritter away time and talent and fail to reach success or mastery of a skill. Of course you…

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With the opening of FAFSA this month, we consulted, a college financial planning platform with the mission to help families make great financial decisions about college, on FAFSA - What is it, and how does it work? Here is a blog post from Edmit, with all of the information you need to get started on filling out the forms.


The Edmit Guide to the FAFSA


Key Takeaways:

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is the form that determines your financial aid from the government and most colleges. The form collects personal and… Read more

High school is a place for students to continue their education and further explore their interests. Many schools offer a variety of extracurriculars that students can take part in, from academics to the arts to athletics. With summer gone, students are now settling into the new school year (albeit, an unusual one). Most schools offer club fairs or have online social media pages for extracurriculars that students can look forward to. This is a great way for students to not only see what extracurriculars are offered, but find out what the club does and ways to get involved. Despite Covid,…

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This Comprehensive Guide was developed to bring together all of the information that we provide families on College Admissions process, in one place so that you do not miss anything. This guide is here to help you see all of the different components of the admissions process, weighing the importance placed on each section. A must have guide for seniors, but a great overview for juniors, sophomore and freshmen who want to see how they will be evaluated in the future.


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Splash is back virtually this year. Splash, run by Learning Unlimited, is “a weekend extravaganza of classes at a local college or university, where pre-college students are invited to learn about everything and anything from passionate university students.” For a nominal fee of $0-50, middle and high school students can sign up for 1 or 2 full days of weekend classes on college campuses. Splash currently runs at MIT, Stanford University, University of Chicago, Duke University, Yale University, Boston College, and many more! Few schools have cancelled Splash due to Covid, but most have…

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