As students enter the middle school years, there is an increased emphasis on students' academic performance - how they do now will pave the way for their high school years. It is important that they need to begin cultivating habits and skills to engage with their academics effectively.  Hence, it is paramount that they lay a strong foundation on which to build their academic careers. Middle schoolers should make school a priority and build good academic skills and healthy work habits. Below, we have curated some of the essential skills that are helpful for middle schoolers to cultivate…

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As the summer break of 2021 rolls around, rising seniors in high schools across the country have an exciting and important deadline fast approaching them in a few months — their college applications for fall 2022 will be due. Rising seniors can use this summer to get a head start on all of their application materials. We have listed below some of the things that students can aim to check off this summer break to make life easier in the fall. 


1. Creating a College List

This is the time for the student to put together a comprehensive list of all of the schools…

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Although most students pursue internships during the summer, there are many great opportunities for students to intern during the school year. Internships are an opportunity for motivated students to explore their interests and career opportunities prior to college. These opportunities give students a leg up on determining what college majors to apply to, help students get a better sense for the types of careers they should focus on, and help in the college admissions process by demonstrating true interest in the major, field and program that they are applying for.

Several well-…

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“Tracking" is a process in middle school wherein students are set on trajectories based on their grades and perceived abilities. Traditionally, students are broken into two or three different tracks. The tracking system is meant to provide students with a curriculum that matches their needs as a student. 

However, it can also cause a student to be slowed down due to a misconception in middle school. For example, a student may perform poorly in a math examination because they're used to the slower pace of learning in elementary school, not because they fundamentally struggle or don…

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Students that are still looking for internship opportunities this summer, it is not too late to secure or create a meaningful opportunity. Given the shift to virtual platforms this year, students can certainly entertain more opportunities across the country and even across the world and do them from the comforts of their homes. However, finding an internship at the high school level can be challenging as recruiters look for more expertise and prefer hiring undergraduate students. But there still are places and ways to find internships as a high schooler. Below, we have provided a rundown…

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By: Alan Gelb

In all my years of essay coaching, working one-on-one with more than a thousand students on the 650-word personal statement that is required on the Common Application, one question has been asked of me more than any other: “What do I write about?” The other question I am routinely asked is: “How can I make my essay one of a kind?”  Those two questions, taken together, suggest that there is a pervasive sense of mystery and confusion surrounding this all-important assignment. Eliminating some of that mystery will get us to the core of this challenging task.


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Join the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair This Week from May 16-21

Join Regeneron ISEF to meet the next generation of scientists and engineers! Listen in on panels with top scientists and innovators. Visit the STEM Career Hall and College Fair, featuring nearly 90 colleges and universities. Visit the STEM Experiential Hall to engage in immersive STEM experiences.

Today, Public Exhibition of Projects open up. Head to the Finalist Hall from the Lobby and browse the extraordinary research done by the Regeneron ISEF finalists. This is a great opportunity…

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By: Jahnavi Pradeep

Summer is a time for children to continue learning and growing beyond just the classroom. Academically driven middle schoolers can use this time to gain essential study skills, explore interests, gain independence, and build on their strengths to establish a strong foundation for high school. This past year, too many children were stuck in front of their screens for most of their academic activities, and we know how taxing that can be. Here, we offer you a curated list of virtual and in-person activities that your middle school student can partake in to make…

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By: Jahnavi Pradeep


What does it mean to be waitlisted? 

College waitlist is a list of college applicants that the institution has neither formally accepted nor rejected. If spots become available over the few months after the initial decision, colleges might offer students admission into their institution. 


See the 2019-2020 Waitlist Statistics here.


Factors determining waitlist admission

Different factors govern whether colleges decide to admit waitlisted students. 

The most obvious factor is the availability… Read more

Recommendations are becoming more important than ever - from whom should students request reccs, how should they ask, and how might they guide their recommenders to land the superlative, detailed recommendation that colleges will value.©

By: David A. Browne, En*trance Admissions Advisory


With testing again optional at almost all schools for this next cycle’s applicants, recommendations from their counselor (the brag sheet-driven “school or counselor” recommendation), teachers (“academic” recc.- the focus of this segment), and an additional, typically optional,…

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