When Is a Good Time to Start Thinking About College? (The Answer Isn’t What You Might Think!) Part 2 of 2

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Before you think about college, it may be more beneficial to ask when is a good time to start actively thinking about how you can maximize your child’s school years, a time when her brain is rapidly growing and expanding. College isn’t the end goal, but rather an opportunity to explore one’s interests and passions at a higher level. The sooner children begin this journey, the more CHOICES they will have in life. So the answer is simple: NOW is a good time to start thinking about your child’s educational development, regardless of her age. 

Finding Yourself Takes Time

It takes a long time to develop as an individual, and to discover one’s interests and passions. So, enroll your child in activities that are age appropriate and expose her to different experiences. Forcing a child to participate in activities she is opposed to can backfire and lead to unnecessary family conflict. That said, do encourage your child to try new things. For example, if your child balks at your suggestion to enroll her in karate camp, but you know she loves playing in the backyard, encourage her to try an outdoor science camp. The most important aspect of this process is to have children lead the way on what gives them energy to participate and engage. 

Create Forward Momentum

As your child goes through the process of trying out and rejecting activities, your job as a parent is to provide support and keep her moving forward in her quest for what she loves to do. Don’t feel pressured to script your child’s future. Closely watch your child to discover her interest level in the activities she is participating in, as well as those she chooses to do in her free time. To find the best classes and programs in your area, ask for recommendations from parents in your network and check out online resources/reviews from reputable websites. Information gleaned from your networks can save time and money by steering you away from poorly executed programs.

Take it to the Next Level

Once your child shows some sustained interest in an activity, even if it seems like it’s just a hobby, set a course to help her explore and expand her experiences. For example, your daughter loves watching and drawing Japanese anime characters. You can help her take her interest to the next level by signing her up for multimedia art classes, enrolling her computer animation camp, taking her to participate in anime and cosplay expos, and even encouraging her to start an anime club at school to share her passions with like-minded peers. In this manner, you can help her to figure out if this is just a passing fancy or something far bigger. 

Tap Into Your Resources

Again, tap into your personal networks and resources as you chart the course for your child to expand on her interest. Consult coaches, teachers and/or other parents who have experience in the relevant area, and who can help you locate quality classes, activities, events, volunteer opportunities, and competitions. If you lack personal connections, try services such as the parent to parent advisory network at Versed. 

It’s What Colleges are Looking For

Before you talk about testing, college visits and applications, you must help your child discover what stokes a fire in her belly. The earlier you start this process, the more time she will have to explore different areas, hone in on what interests her the most, and pursue them at the highest levels. Amazing things can happen when a child is self-motivated to learn because she’s genuinely interested in the subject. Best of all, you will be raising a child who is self-confident and possesses a healthy level of self-esteem. And isn’t that what we all want as parents anyway? Coincidentally, that’s a big part of what colleges want too. So it’s a win-win situation. 




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